Friday, December 28, 2012

KMS NANO 10 Final

KMSnano - Sembari Menunggu Active Office 2013 yang permanent, bosen sih nunggu, tapi kita harus sabar. orang sabar  disayang Tuhan heheheheheheh saya coba share yang activator 180 hari aja dulu oke

KMSnano - is the ideal tool to activate the final version of  Windows 7/8 and Office 2010/2013. Activator does not require user intervention, the entire activation process takes place in the background, just run the activator and a couple of minutes to check the activation status of Windows and / or Office.

KMSnano 10.0 Final | 39.1 MB

  1. Extract the file.
  2. Run KMSnano.exe
  3. Make sure to allow the windows firewall to have access.
  4. Wait a FEW MINUTES while the files run in the background. (It doesn't let you know when it's done, you can check task manager or just wait a bit)
  5. Run the Check_Activation.cmd to verify your KMS activation status.
  6. Go about your business. You can get the watermark to go away by auto-hiding the taskbar or similar system stuff.

Langkah Menjalnkannya.
  1. Silahkan Jalankan KMS NANO [ RUN AS ADMINISTRATOR ],
  2. Lalu Pilih ACTIVE 2013
  3. Selanjtunya akan Muncul sebuah tampilan,  Silahkan CEKLIST hanya OFFICE 2013, Untuk windowsnya tidak USAH. ingat! tidak usah..
  4. Lalu Klik Tombol MERAH nya.. 
  5. Tunggu PROSES nya.. Sampai SUCSESFULLY
  6. Kalo Muncul ACTIVE office 2013 dan OFFICE 2010, Silahkan ABAIKAN saja, 
  7. Namun kalo Ingin Ngecek Status Aktivasi, Klik aja Bagian CHECK nya..
  8. Nanti akan terlihat 179 DAY


kmsnano 10 Final mirror | kmanano 10 Final torrent


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