KMSnano - Sembari Menunggu Active Office 2013 yang permanent, bosen sih nunggu, tapi kita harus sabar. orang sabar disayang Tuhan heheheheheheh saya coba share yang activator 180 hari aja dulu oke
KMSnano - is the ideal tool to activate the final version of Windows 7/8 and Office 2010/2013. Activator does not require user intervention, the entire activation process takes place in the background, just run the activator and a couple of minutes to check the activation status of Windows and / or Office.
KMSnano 10.0 Final | 39.1 MB
- Extract the file.
- Run KMSnano.exe
- Make sure to allow the windows firewall to have access.
- Wait a FEW MINUTES while the files run in the background. (It doesn't let you know when it's done, you can check task manager or just wait a bit)
- Run the Check_Activation.cmd to verify your KMS activation status.
- Go about your business. You can get the watermark to go away by auto-hiding the taskbar or similar system stuff.
Langkah Menjalnkannya.
- Silahkan Jalankan KMS NANO [ RUN AS ADMINISTRATOR ],
- Lalu Pilih ACTIVE 2013
- Selanjtunya akan Muncul sebuah tampilan, Silahkan CEKLIST hanya OFFICE 2013, Untuk windowsnya tidak USAH. ingat! tidak usah..
- Lalu Klik Tombol MERAH nya..
- Tunggu PROSES nya.. Sampai SUCSESFULLY
- Kalo Muncul ACTIVE office 2013 dan OFFICE 2010, Silahkan ABAIKAN saja,
- Namun kalo Ingin Ngecek Status Aktivasi, Klik aja Bagian CHECK nya..
- Nanti akan terlihat 179 DAY
kmsnano 10 Final mirror | kmanano 10 Final torrent
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